Ready for a day of learning outdoor skills and exploring a state
park? Join us at Pocomoke River State Park from 10am-3pm for a hike
and some outdoor skills practice!
Our day at the park
will look like this:
10-10:15am: Check in and Welcome
10:15-10:45am: Leave No Trace principles
10:45-11am: Hike
11am-12pm: Hike
12-12:45pm: Lunch
12:45-2pm: Outdoor Skills Practice
2-2:45pm: Outdoor Skills
2:45-3pm: Wrap up and head out
bring a water bottle and a bag lunch. Parking for the Pocomoke River
State Park hike will be at the Manokin or Algonquin pavillions. There
is no fee for day access.