A Girl Scout Prayer
Lord, help us to be good Girl Scouts, ones whom the world can trust.
Help us to respect our neighbors’ rights, and never be unjust.
Help us as Americans, to be worthy of the flag we bear.
Help us as real Girl Scouts, to be proud of the uniform we wear.
Help us to be clean, Dear Lord, in thought, word, and deed.
Help us to follow the law that is in the Girl Scout creed.
Help us to love all people of the world, and then to serve them, too.
Help our actions to count, Dear Lord, in everything we do.
Help give us strength to carry on and do our part each day.
Make a place in this world for us and help us fill it, we pray.
Make us what we ought to be, and in thy footsteps fall.
Help us to live for others, O great Troop Leader of us all.
Prayer for Jewish Girl Scouts
O, Lord, our God, we ask your blessing upon us and upon our sister Girl Scouts. Give us strength of character and of purpose so that we may fulfill our Promise and faithfully obey our Law. Teach us to understand that by living up to the ideals of our Movement we are helping to repair our world for ourselves and all people. AMEN.
Prayer for Catholic Girl Scouts
Lord God, we ask you to bless us and all other Girl Scouts. Give us grace to serve you and our communities, and to keep our Girl Scout Promise and Law. Make us humble and friendly, eager for adventure, alert, and prepared for service. Give us the courage to dare to do right; make us both strong to fight and steadfast to endure; and may our lives be filled with joy that spreads happiness everywhere. AMEN.
Prayer for Protestant Christian Girl Scouts
Gracious One, we know we are your children, we want to serve you faithfully, and we want to keep our Girl Scout Promise. Help us to listen to your voice; help us to be willing and quick to do your work; help us to be friendly and loving; and help us to thank you every day for all your gifts to us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.
Prayer for Hindu Girl Scouts
O Lord God almighty, May there be peace in celestial regions. May there be peace on earth. May the waters be appeasing. May herbs be wholesome, and may trees and plants bring peace to all. May all beneficent beings bring peace to us. May your Vedic Law propagate peace all through the world. May all things be a source of peace to us. And may your peace its elf bestow peace on all.
Prayer for Muslim Girl Scouts
In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful. Look with compassion on the whole human family; remove from us the arrogance, divisions, and hatred that have infected our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; reunite us in bonds of love; and guide us as we work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may jointly serve you in justice, peace, and harmony. AMEN.
Prayer for Buddhist Girl Scouts
As a Buddhist Girl Scout,
I go to the Buddha for guidance.
I go to the dharma for guidance.
I go to the sangha for guidance.
May all beings be happy and joyous. May they live without fear. Understanding interdependence and compassion, I know that what I do now affects my happiness or unhappiness and also that of others. May all existence—human and others—whether weak or strong, small or great, near or far and throughout time, all attain perfect peace.
Prayer for Native American Girl Scouts
Please reach out to your Native American/Indigenous communities. Due to the large number of tribes and traditional practices, we want to show respect in acknowledging that there is no one universal prayer or way of worship across Native American/Indigenous communities.
A Girl Scout Speech
Today is Girl Scout [SUNDAY/JUMMAH/SABBATH/SHABBAT], which is observed during Girl Scout Week, an event recognizing the founding of Girl Scouts on March 12, 1912. We would like to honor and thank the Girl Scouts in our house of worship [HAVE GIRL SCOUTS STAND] who have the courage, confidence, and character to make the world a better place. Thank you to all the adult volunteers [HAVE VOLUNTEERS STAND] who give of their time and talents to our Girl Scout troops. And a special thank you to [NAME OF HOUSE OF WORSHIP LEADER] and [NAME OF HOUSE OF WORSHIP] for their leadership and support of our Girl Scout troops.
These girls represent the leaders of tomorrow. They belong to an organization that has continually adapted to meet the changing needs of girls. But even as things change, one thing remains the same: we continue to support girls as they grow strong in faith and maintain the belief that the motivating force in Girl Scouting is a spiritual one.
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God* and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
*Members may substitute for the word “God” in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs.