APR 27, 2021 - Stewardship, relationships, innovation, authenticity, and collaboration are core values of Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay. As authentic individuals, we show up as real and transparent human beings, who are responsible for what we say and do, value each other’s contributions and invest in one another.
Our founder, Juliette Gordon Low, established a foundation of diversity that runs throughout Girl Scouting to this day. At GSCB, we honor that foundation, fostering a safe and welcoming environment that is free from stigma and discrimination. And, we are committed to providing an environment that represents our diverse community that includes every race, ethnicity, income level, sexual orientation, ability, and religion; reflects a spectrum of gender identity; and connects across geographic areas. As Girl Scouts, we ensure that every person has equal access to the benefits of Girl Scouting and promote acceptance and respect for one another. GSCB is proud to be affirming role models, showcasing a diverse leadership staff to all members.
We know that the challenges children face today are more complex than ever before. Recent studies show that having an affirming adult role model is linked to better health outcomes for all youth, in particular, LGBTQ youth, with 60% of transgender students reporting feeling unsafe at school, simply because of their gender expression. GSCB staff and volunteers are called to action to be role models and are committed to create one of the few environments where every member feels safe.
For over 109 years, Girl Scouts has and will continue to be an instrument of change, promoting equitable outcomes for all. We wholly commit to taking action to grow as an anti-racist and antioppressive organization so that, through Girl Scouts, our members are affirmed as they strive to make our community and world better. Furthermore, we recognize that not all individuals identify only as boys or girls. GSCB welcomes children from across the gender spectrum: those who identify as transgender, agender, androgynous, etc., and those who are in transition or questioning their gender identity.
Please find our additional information and FAQ's regarding sexual orientation and transgender members, volunteers, and staff here.